
A simple implementation of Barycentric polynomials (interpolation and differentiation) for generic numeric types using Barycentric Lagrange Interpolation by Berrut and Trefethen (SIAM Review 46, pgs. 501-517) in Julia. Source code available from BarycentricInterpolation.jl on GitHub.


A little program that converges a (page of a) PDF file into a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file which can be opened by Inkscape. It’s nothing more than a simple wrapper over the top of Poppler and Cairo but it turned out to be quite popular since when it was written there were very few other utilities to do the job! Note: since this utility was written, the maintainers of Poppler have written a utility that works on the same principle: pdftocairo. I recommend that you use their utility since it is better maintained than mine. ...


A real-time controller designed around the BeagleBone Black. This low-cost piece of hardware (and associated software) can do the job of much more expensive commercial real-time control offerings (e.g., dSpace), though without a nice GUI interface. Matlab and Python interfaces available. See the GitHub page for the code. If you are interested in the RTC, it’s best to get in touch with me as it’s not that straightforward.