New PhD programme in Data-Driven Engineering and Sciences

For anyone who is interested in data-driven approaches to engineering problems (or more general science), I’ve been appointed the co-director of a new PhD programme in Data-Driven Engineering and Sciences in the School of Engineering Mathematics and Technology at the University of Bristol. If you are interested in a fully-funded PhD in one of the research areas covered by the school, see our programme website for the application procedure. The deadline for applications is 26 February 2025. ...


Research project: Hybrid modelling and nonlinear dynamics in aircraft design

This is a potential research project for new research students. It is intended to be a starting point for discussion/further investigation rather than a complete research plan. If you are interested in working with me, see opportunities for new researchers. Keywords: aeroelastics, scientific machine learning, control-based continuation, nonlinear dynamics There is a drive towards high-efficiency and high-performance aircraft. This requires lighter and more fuel-efficient structural designs, which are often more flexible than traditional rigid designs. This flexibility can result in disastrous nonlinear behaviour; for example, the destruction of the NASA Helios prototype. This project seeks to develop new approaches to nonlinear behaviour in aircraft and so enable a new generation of low-carbon aircraft. ...


Research project: Online learning for tactile robotics

This is a potential research project for new research students. It is intended to be a starting point for discussion/further investigation rather than a complete research plan. If you are interested in working with me, see opportunities for new researchers. Keywords: online learning, machine learning, tactile robotics, generative models Machine learning (ML) equips robots with the ability to learn from and adapt to new environments, enhancing autonomy and efficiency in complex tasks. However, many ML approaches rely on extensive data for training. This heavy reliance on large volumes of data can hamstring a robot’s ability to function in dynamic real-world conditions—imagine a robotic assistant in a home struggling to recognize new types of objects because it was trained on a limited set of household items. Such data dependency limits the robots’ effectiveness in diverse real-world applications. We seek to overcome this problem in the context of tactile robotics by exploiting generative online learning, enabling robots to learn ‘in the moment’ and adapt swiftly to the unpredictability of real-world tasks. ...


Research project: Surrogate modelling and machine learning for electrical power systems

This is a potential research project for new research students. It is intended to be a starting point for discussion/further investigation rather than a complete research plan. If you are interested in working with me, see opportunities for new researchers. Keywords: surrogate modelling, machine learning, reservoir computing, power electronics Designing new devices, particularly in electrical power conversion for renewable energy, is often challenging because of constraints on mass, volume, and cost. Designers must innovate within these boundaries, making trade-offs to meet specifications without compromising performance. This PhD project will employ surrogate modelling and machine learning to improve the efficiency of design processes. ...


Broad areas for potential projects

SciML and physics-based machine learning Scientific machine learning is a rapidly growing area that seeks to combine traditional physics-based models with machine learnt models. In traditional physics-based modelling, you rely on expert knowledge to build the complete model (perhaps with some limited parameter fitting to experimental data); the machine learning approach replaces that expert knowledge with large quantities of data (that’s an over simplification but broadly correct). A key question is how to find the sweet spot in the middle whereby you make use of your expert knowledge but also include model features that emerge from the data. ...
